Tuesday 29 April 2008

Winehouse quizzed by police over drug claim

Winehouse quizzed by police over drug claim

Vocalizer Amy Winehouse has been questioned in connection with a tV which allegedly showed her smoking crack cocaine, a constabulary reservoir said on Midweek.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said officers interviewed the 24-year-old in connection with an allegation of unlawful possession of a controlled drug.
He said she was not arrested, only was interviewed under forethought and inquiries were continuing.
Last calendar month footage obtained by the Sun newspaper appeared to show Winehouse inhaling exhaust fumes from a crack pipe.
The disturbing images were said to have been filmed during a party at Winehouse's Greater London home.
The singer is straight off in rehab, admitting herself to the clinic in north Jack London on 24 Jan years after the video recording appeared.
On 4 February the singer took a break from her treatment to implement for a US visa so she could give ear the Grammys in Los Angeles on 10 Feb, where she is nominated for sestet awards.
The covering work will non be simple due to her drugs record. Last October she was arrested and fined in Kingdom of Norway for monomania of hemp.